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We've tried to think of all the questions you might have about the wedding, but if there's something we haven't covered, drop us an email at and we'll try to help!



When should I arrive at the wedding?


The wedding ceremony will start at 3pm, so please arrive by 2:45pm as you will need a few minutes to orientate yourself within the estate!


For the non-Brits: when we say 3pm, we mean it, please don't be late or you'll miss the show :)



Where is it / how do I get there and back?

See location. The venue is about 10km (6 miles) away from Perth.


If you are staying in Perth, we have arranged with a local company for a return taxi service (to and from the venue) for £10 per person (to be paid in cash to the driver). We are collecting the names/hotels of people wishing to use this service and then will provide you with a pick up time at your hotel. There will then be cars onsite from 11pm until the end of the party to take you back to your hotel. Please note only people booking this service in advance through us will be able to use these cars. We have emailed everyone who is or might be staying in Perth about this, but if you haven't heard from us and would like to use this service please contact us.


If you would like to arrange your own taxi instead, there are a number of local taxi companies including the two below - please make sure to book both your taxi to the venue and back well ahead.


Alternatively, you can drive yourself to/from the venue. See the location page for the address and directions.

Please do not drink and drive!



What's the plan for the day?


The wedding ceremony will take place at 3pm and will be conducted by Matt's dad. This will be followed by drinks and nibbles. Weather permitting, this will be outside so please dress accordingly.


We'll then sit down for a yummy dinner in the early evening followed by a night of partying until the small hours of the morning (~2.30am)



Are there any events or activities planned either before or after the wedding?


Before the big day:

  • If you will be in Edinburgh the week before the wedding let us know – we'll be a bit busy with final preparations but can no doubt squeeze in a quick drink and catch up!

  • We are going for a cheap-and-cheerful dinner in Perth on the evening of Friday 25th - we have already emailed those of you who will be in Perth to check if you want come along too, but if you haven't heard from us, please get in touch! This will be an informal dinner for anyone around - nothing fancy, all are welcome!


After the big day

  • We'll have an informal gathering around lunchtime in Perth on Sunday 27th. We'd love for you to come along, but we understand many of you will need to head back to catch flights and trains.

    • If it's sunny, we'll meet for a picnic on the South Inch - if this happens, please bring along your own food and drink (there is a Tesco Metro just up the road in the centre of town which is open from 10am on Sundays). We'll gather at 12 noon on the corner of the South Inch, opposite St Leonards-in-the-fields Church, and then find somewhere to set down.

    • If it's rainy, we'll meet at the Capital Asset pub at 26 Tay Street, overlooking the Tay. We'll check the forecast on Saturday and try to make a decision then!



What should I wear to the wedding?


Important: if the rain stays away, we'll be spending most of the afternoon outside so please dress accordingly: we'd recommend at least an extra layer for the ladies (e.g. a cardigan or shawl); and remember: stilettos will sink in the grass! There's a cloakroom at the venue if you need to store extra layers and/or shoes.


Other than that it'll be usual wedding attire – we've had some questions on this so here's a very rough guide:


  • Ladies: 'garden party' or cocktail dresses or something similar - something glamorous enough to make the event feel a little special, but comfortable enough to dance the night away. Do bring an extra layer in case it gets cold, and when choosing shoes remember we might be outside on grass. If you want to wear a hat please go ahead, but it's definitely not necessary!

  • Men: suit and tie, or even a funky bow-tie! For the Scots (or very keen non-Scots), kilts are of course welcome. If you need to hire a kilt, we recommend the Kilt Hire Co in Edinburgh – not only do they have excellent kilt-wear but you'll get extra caring service as Matt's cousin works there.


And, of course, don't forget your dancing shoes!



What will the weather be like?


Impossible to say – it could be a beautiful sunny day with temperatures reaching a warm 25 degrees, or it could rain all day and not even get to 20 degrees! If you're travelling in advance best to pack a few layers and then decide how many layers to wear on the day.



I have dietary requirements (e.g. food allergies, vegetarian), can you cater for these?


Of course – just let us know when you RSVP



Where should I stay?


See places to stay.





We know this is a cliché but it's true: the best gift you can give us is your presence on our big day! We genuinely mean this, and we don't need or expect anything more, especially as some of you are travelling very far to join us.


But we understand that some of you really do want to give us a gift. This is absolutely not necessary but we are grateful for your kindness, it's as appreciated as it is not expected.


We've been lucky enough to live together for a while and we really don't need any more things to clutter our flat... but as many of you know we love travelling and exploring new places. So if you really want to give us a gift, we would love a contribution to our honeymoon, which we will are planning for later in the year. If you'd like to transfer us a gift, here are the bank details:


Account name: COWIE & RUSELER

Account number: 10214500

Sort code: 16-00-82

IBAN: GB94RBOS16008210214500


Bank name: RBS

Branch address: 78 Notting Hill Gate, London W11 3HS



Will you be sending "real" (paper) invitations?


Nope, your email PaperlessPost invitation is your official invite! It's green and efficient and hopefully made you smile.



Any other questions?


Just ask:

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